

Despite its flaws, social media is still a helpful tool for connecting people and communities globally (Nesi, 2020). Social media networking for small groups has several benefits. Through social media, teenagers who suffer from anxiety and social skills can express themselves and interact with others. because it enables people to interact and talk with others who share their interests (Nesi, 2020). The silenced have a platform to speak on thanks to social media. Online forums, for instance, allow people who have gone through assault and abuse to voice their opinions, discuss their struggles, and get support. In addition to providing a platform for education and information, social media can also be used for creativity and self-expression.

In addition to providing a platform for education and knowledge, social media may also be used for creativity and self-expression (Nesi, 2020). It is quite easy to learn from other professionals and experts through social media. Anyone can be observed in order to learn from them and increase their level of skill in any field (Akram & Kumar, 2017). We can educate ourselves for free regardless of where we reside or our educational background (Akram & Kumar, 2017) The ability to stay up to date on current international events is the fundamental advantage of online social networking. These days, media outlets like print and television frequently exhibit bias and fail to convey the true message.

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